Saturday, October 4, 2014

Day 2 in Jordan

During our brief time in Jordan, David was able to lead a workshop/rehearsal with the Dozan wa Awtar community choir in Amman; the choir is a mix of Jordanians and expats living in Amman.  One singer was the daughter of a choir director David knew in Sioux Falls, while another was from Carleton College.  Here's some of the group with David after the rehearsal:

During the day, we visited Mt. Nebo (where Moses viewed the Promised Land), Madaba (where David heard and notated a beautiful Orthodox chant), and Jerash (ruins of a major Roman city--also called Philadelphia--one of the 10 Roman Cities [the Decapolis] on the eastern border of the Empire;  Hippos , where Concordia's Dr. Mark Schuler has led an archaeological dig over the past 14 years, was another of the Decapolis cities.)  Here are some pictures from Jerash:

This photo is an Arabic bagpiper and drummer playing in the theatre at Jerash;  great acoustics, great sound, but we didn't need to notate the melody--it was a famous Scottish bagpipe tune!

Our faithful driver, Khader Daoud led us around to the sites (and all around Jordan--including picking us up at the airport at 3:00 a.m.) with grace and expertise.  He also invited us to his home for tea at the end of the day.

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